Thursday 7 June 2012

The Qualities of a Good Man Worth Finding and Keeping

The original title for this blog entry was Find a Man whose Breath Stops Short at the Sight of You.?

Even though this particular entry? is about advice for singles, the intimacy in relationship it describes, extending from a man to his woman, makes it good advice whether you?ve been together for five days or fifty plus years! And that?s a powerful thing to say about a word of advice.

The advice comes from a poem a man wrote. It sums up the advice I?d give my teenage self, if that were a possibility. I think the advice strikes a more golden chord because it comes from a man.? (The poet?s name is Colin Martin.)

If you are a woman reading this, pay attention because you are worthy of the poet?s counsel!? Whether you are single or in a relationship, you deserve to be treated with care, love, and adoration.? In a word, you deserve to be cherished. The advice the poem gives is best received the better you love yourself.

If you are a man reading this, the advice in the poem is like a magic key.? You treat the woman you love this way and, if she loves herself enough, you will know that, in her eyes, you hung the moon. And if you already treat her this way, you do deserve her!? Just keep on loving her.


What Kind of Man

By Colin Martin


Find a man, who calls you beautiful instead of hot,

Who calls you back when you hang up on him,

Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,

Or will stay awake just to watch you sleep.


Wait for the man, who kisses your forehead,

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,

Who holds your hand in front of his friends,

Who thinks you?re just as pretty without makeup on.


A man who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares

And how lucky he is to have YOU.


A man who turns to his friends and says, ?That?s her??


The number one reason people get into relationship trouble is because they do not love themselves enough to have standards of behavior that protect them from being hurt.?

People who love themselves command respect.? It doesn?t mean they never get hurt.? But attracting abuse and chronic hurt either doesn?t happen or doesn?t occur for very long with those who love themselves.? Their love runs deep enough that they are able to practice the tough love that sets good boundaries.? They are able to practice the kind of love that sets good examples for how to live and love.

If you are a woman reading this post today, can you believe down to your pretty toes that you are deserving of such affection?? When you believe it, you will attract it.

If you are a man reading this?like I said earlier, the example set in the poem is a magic key waiting for you to take hold of it!

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