Skin is the most important and facile part of our body. Skin remains in a direct contact with pollution or any other outer influence. Skin needs proper care and attention as it gets allergic to many substances very easily. Thus it becomes very important to take care of skin in all the seasons.

To retain the glow of the skin first of all try to make it soft, beautiful and healthy. There are very small and easy things which should be kept in mind while dealing with your skin. Here are some useful tips to eliminate skin problems take a look.
- Improve your eating-Avoid eating stale food, always make sure that your are taking fresh cooked food. Healthy vegetables soups are one of the best remedy to overcome various skin problems like acne, pimples, dark circles etc.
- Healthy diet- Check weather you are taking proper amount of nutrients or not. Add healthy vegetables, dry fruits and watery fruits in your daily diet. Some vegetables contains anti-oxidant properties which helps in retaining the glow of skin making it beautiful and shiny.
- Do not forget water-? Do not avoid drinking water just because you don't like it. Weather it is summers or
Tips for healthy skin
winters water is the only that remains constant for the consumption purpose. Drink at-least 7-12 glasses of water per day. It helps in keeping the body hydrated which makes your skin healthy. Moreover hot tea or coffee, green tea ,lemon tea etc can be consumed according to the preference in winters.
- Stay away from unhealthy food- Avoid drinking high caffeinated drinks or alcoholic drinks. Food having high amount of salt should also be avoided. These types of food items harms skin negatively making it dry and unhealthy. Problems like pimples, rashes can be caused due to more salt consumption.
Moreover you should make a proper and healthy diet for yourself. Remember not to skip the breakfast, you can take a light breakfast with a cup of green or lemon tea. Vegetables soups or milk shakes can be consumed according to the preference. Skin needs power from inside as the external beauty do not last long. So, eat healthy and stay beautiful.
"The information present here is for general purpose please consult your doctor before taking any medication /therapy"
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