Has anyone got tips on quick weight loss and toning?
I have 3 months to lose 1.5 stone! Apart from the obvious, eating less and exercising more does anyone have any good tips on stomach toning (post baby) and general weight loss? I am very impatient and get demotivated if I dont see quick results!
Thank you!
People who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all, think about reducing the amount of food they eat. This may be quite a solution but not exactly the best there is. In fact, depending on the amount you reduce in your food intake, it may even be dangerous to one's health. So how does one lose weight effectively and safely? Here are some points one should consider when trying to lose weight:for more info...
Quick weight loss tips for women at home?
Hopefully someone can help me out here. Could anyone recommend some tips for quick weight loss? I'm wanting to work out at home if possible and I don't have a lot of money for equipment. Are there any exercises that anyone can suggest? Any help would be awesome!
Pushups, situps, crunches, squats, run around the block. The usual. If youre a beginner and pushups are too hard you can do them against your wall, or against a couch.
You could also watch tv then during commercials do pushups or situps until your show comes back on. Make it fun. Always stretch before you work out though (Roll your neck, wrist, hips, ankle, try to touch your toes, etc.)
Eat healthy. Put down the chips and grab an apple, or put down the soda and grab a water.
Cut down on the candy, if you crave chocolate, eat an alternative, like Nutella on toast. It taste EXACTLY like melted chocolate, and it's healthy.
Anyone have the first 3-day jump start sheet for quick weight loss program?
I purchased the quick weight loss program back in 1999 and part of the package included the first 3-day jump start portion. I have got the entire plan, except for that part. Would someone please email me a copy of it?
Does anyone have their food journals from quick weight loss centers?
I used to be a member of Quick Weight Loss Centers (QWLC). They have you keep a food journal during the process. I lost weight with the program and was hoping to find my old food journals, but cant put my hands on them. Does anybody out there who also did the program, have their old food journalsl. I'd like to see them.
Do you know of any thing I can substitute for Quick weight loss center, supplements?
I just joined Quick Weight Loss Center, to loose 25 lbs. After paying over 0. to join, and signing a contract, I found out there are Supplements that I need to take..costing well over 00.00
Do you know of any other products I can substitute for their products?
Hi!.I have same problem like you before. I was an overweight person sick and tired of being fat. I tried all the new diet programs and products, but nothing worked for more than a week or two... I always gave up and gained the weight back. In fact, I usually gained back more weight than I lost.
I then realized I had to rely on myself to lose the weight. So, I became absolutely obsessed with learning everything I could on how to burn body fat. I researched information in libraries, read countless weight loss and nutrition journals, and I spoke to every expert I could find. I spent hours a day researching and learning about the true keys to losing body fat.... All of this research really paid off too...
After dedicating hundreds of hours learning how to burn body fat, I developed a no-nonsense weight loss plan for myself. Once I started this plan, I lost 25 lbs the first month. Then, over the next thirty days, I dropped another 18 pounds! I lost a total of 115 pounds in less than one year! What is even more amazing is I have kept every single pound off for over 6 years!!
Due to the massive success, I suggest you to explore this hardcore information at
Click Here!.Goodluck
Family and friends begged me to teach them my methods for fat loss... So, I spent over a year creating an electronic book (eBook), and titled it "Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets!" I gave it only to family and close friends. Everyone who tried the book was very successful... in fact, some of them have lost even more weight than myself! One family member lost 60% of her body fat!
Is a Celery Diet ok to do for quick weight loss?
Is it ok to eat only celery for every mean and drink water if its for a quick weight loss?
what is the best home remedy for quick weight loss?
Quick weight loss ideas that can be done at home, not medically
Taoist/Chinese Medicine weight reduction exercises:
Part One.
1 Stand against a wall so that your heels, buttocks, upper back and head are against the wall.
2 Inhaling through your nose, stretch your body upward, pulling your abdomen in as far as possible so your chest expands fully. Keep your arms by your sides. Your shoulders should feel as if they are expanding and pressing against the wall.
3 Exhale as quickly as possible through your mouth. Blow the breath out fully and push your abdomen outward. Your entire body will tighten automatically on the exhale if done properly.
4 Practice this inhale- exhale repetition 7 to 12 times.
You will find that with consistent practice, the muscles in your abdomen and belly will tighten and become toned and strengthened. Excess fat, water and flesh will be eliminated and the belly will shrink.
Part Two.
1 Stand away from the wall and bring your heels off the floor so that you will be standing as high on your toes as possible.
2 Keeping your spine erect and straight, bend your knees slightly as if your were going to sit on a chair. Your arms will fall at a 45 degree angle from your body.
3 Keeping your breath regular, stay in this position from 10 to 20 seconds, or longer if possible.
NOTE: At first it will be impossible to keep your back straight and your heels up very far. With practice and practice, you will be able to get your heels perpendicular to the floor, your thighs parallel to the floor and your back straight.
This pose strengthens and tones the thighs, calves and ankles. It makes the abdominal muscles strong and increases the ccirculation in the legs and body, as well as strengthening the back and nerves in the body. It also stimulates the meridians of the bladder, gallbladder and stomach. these meridians lie along the legs, and so it helps to reduce water retention and excessive weight and lowers blood pressure.
Always practice both parts of the exercise at the same sitting as they balance and complement each other. When practicing this exercise, remember never to force or push yourself beyond your limits. Acquire patience and steadiness in your practice. Good Luck!
Need a name for a Quick Weight Loss Diet?
Can anyone give me some suggestions for a name for a Diet. It is a quick weight loss diet over 5 days then step 2 is a longer term diet. So i need something like Loose it Now Keep it off Forever. Would like to have the words "lose" and "diet" in it somewhere. thanks.
Does Quick Weight Loss Centers or Jenny Craig work better?
I am considering joining Quick Weight loss centers and I'm trying to compare them to Jenny Craig. Please let me know if anyone has used both and if you think one works better than the other.
I am familiar with both, and they are both very different diets, so it depends upon your personality and how fast you want to lose the weight. Jenny Craig is all pre-packaged foods, which makes it very easy to follow as long as you're eating at home-- and if you like the food. Quick Weight Loss Centers uses real food, so you can buy it at the super-market to cook yourself at home, or eat out at restaurants. Quick Weight Loss has faster weight loss results. With Quick weight loss centers the weight loss results are more long-term because you are eating real food the whole time, it is easier to make the transition after you've lost the weight. But because you are preparing the food yourself, it does take a little more work than following Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig is good for you if you don't want to have to think about what you're eating each day, and don't mind slower weight loss and eating pre-packaged foods. Quick Weight Loss is good for you if you want faster results, want to be able to eat at restaurants or cook for yourself. Both diets will help you lose weight if you follow them.
Has anyone out there tried the Quick Weight Loss Center?
I am on the Quick weight Loss Center. I'm on my second week & 8 left to go. I told them i wanted to loose 33 Pounds.
It's great you want to lose weight and I applaud your for going out and doing something about it. But I fear that any weight loss you experience will only last a short while.
The name says it all really, Quick weight loss centre. Quick weight loss is unfortunately unhealthy weight loss and if you lose fat too quickly you will more than likely gain it back again. The maximum amount of weight you should lose in a week is 1 kg (2 pounds).
You are on a 10 week plan, this is not long enough. You need to make healthy lifestyle changes and keep them for the rest of your life. This is the only way to lose weight and keep it off permanently. Otherwise you will risk becoming yet another yo yo dieter.
This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.
Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals
what quick weight loss supplement works the best and is healthy for you?
I am looking to drop some weight fast but I am scared of some of the products on the market. Has anyone had any luck with a particular product?
Losing weight is a slow, gradual process and requires a combination of healthy eating, balanced nutrition and exercise. In an effort to lose weight, some people turn to prescription or over the counter medicine to control appetite and help them to 'starve' the extra weight off. Many of these products contain stimulants which raise heart rate and can cause anxiety and other health problems. Even some so-called 'natural' products contain ephedra and other harmful stimulants. Ultimately the body suffers and the lost pounds often return with a vengeance after the product is stopped.
Herbal and homeopathic remedies can offer an effective natural solution to obesity and weight-gain.
There are also many natural weight loss supplements available that are effective in helping you to achieve your goal weight and support a healthy metabolism naturally. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are gentle on the body?s system, helping to create the conditions necessary for weight stabilization and balance.
These natural weight loss supplements also promote overall physical, mental and emotional health. Herbs such as Fucus vesiculosis, Gallium aperine, Taraxacum officinalis, Glycorrhiza glabra, Erythrea centaurium, Garcinia cambogia, Taraxacum officinalis, Glycorrhiza glabra, and Capsicum can help to boost the metabolism, improve liver functioning, stimulate the digestive system and keep the weight off.
Homeopathic remedies such as Kalium Phosphate, Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Fluoride also help to improve metabolism and the breakdown of dietary fat while reducing the craving for sweet foods. When used regularly, these natural ingredients can help to assist your body in weight loss while also helping rid your body of harmful toxins. The result is a slimmer, more energetic and healthier you!
In addition, the sea vegetable Fucus vesiculosis contains a concentrated source of minerals including iodine, which assists in the production of thyroid hormones necessary for maintaining healthy metabolism in all cells of the body.
You may get more info here
Does anyone know something about quick weight loss in the thighs and butt?
I drink water daily, eat right, walk and run daily, yet it seems that my thighs are getting bigger and so is my butt. Does anyone know something i can do for quick reductions in my thighs and butt?
Do weights with your legs, put a 1 to 5 lbs on your ankles, sitting up, and then with your legs lift them up and down, in and out. You can also try lying down on your back, then with the weight on your feet, bring your legs into your chest and out again.
Good luck!
Also, you never mentioned you're eating habits! Have a lot of salad, vegetables, nuts, fruits, and a small amount of meat.
It could also be muscle building in your thighs from walking/running daily.
You aren't fat though, so don't be too concerned about it! 
what exercises do you recommend for quick weight loss?
I am going on Weight Watchers points system and I plan on joining the gym tomorrow. I have joined this gym before and their personal trainiers really suck, they just said for me to use the treadmill and ellipticals last time. I want to concentrate on my abs and my thighs, since those are the fattest parts of me. What other exercises can I do besides running on the treadmill or doing the elliptical, that will help me lose weight quickly?
Experts recommend that you accumulate one hour of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve our health. Obviously this is also good if you are trying to lose weight and keeping it off.
The rule is the more intensive the activity is, the shorter the duration of exercise. As you progress into activity with moderate intensity, you can cut down to 30 minutes a day for four days per week.
There are 3 types of exercise that your body needs to keep healthy - cardiovascular, flexibility and strength. Cardiovascular activities are those ranging from moderate to vigorous exercises.
Here are some of the light, moderate and vigorous activities:
Light activity : Light walking, stretching, volleyball (60 minutes)
Get more tips here
What are some easy ways of quick weight loss?
I am about 20 pounds over weight and I would like to drop it. What is the fastest and easiest way to lose this weight??
I understand what you are going through. to lose weight quickly, you should try this work out tape. It's called the 500 calorie workout. I have a review of it here
On this site you call also find many different ideas about how to lose weight quickly in general.
Which kind of green tea is most beneficial and concentrated for quick weight loss?
I know that green tea is very beneficial. What's better when it comes to weight loss, high grade or low grade? Which kinds of green tea are the best for weight loss?
The healthiest green tea contains the most catechins and theanine.
Catechins contain most of the antioxidants. Theanine is mainly known for calming your mind but has other health benefits.
High grade loose-leaf has the most catechins and theanine. Read the link below for the study behind this.
Incidentally they also have the highest caffeine, so don't drink too much. Caffeine, in combination with catechins and theanine, is highly effective for losing weight.
A high grade of 2 to 3 grams should brew you 3 cups, and that is equivalent to at least 6 teabags.
Because you can infuse 3 times, it probably works out cheaper, and taste MUCH better.
The second link contains two studies that show that combing green tea and an endurance exercise is high effective for burning fat.
Hope it helps
Whats a really quick weight loss method?
Whats a really quick simple way to loose weight really fast? Exercise isnt an option for me.
Unforunately, there is a quick weight loss method. Weight loss is never easy, especially if as you say exercise isn't an option. You then are very limited to the amount of calories you can consume.
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is. To EAT LESS and MOVE MORE.
It is as simple as that.
Good luck
who knows and good quick weight loss diets?
there is this boy at school who teases me about my weight. i really want to lose weight but i dont wanna kill myself.does anyone know any quick weight loss diets
Since 2005 I have tried reducing my weight using most of the so-called popular weight loss program from the internet but with no avail until I meet the following weight loss program that is finally worked for me with all the above criteria. I am confident that it will work for you too.
The newest hype in weight loss is the Calorie Shifting diet program. Since 2005 the Calorie Shifting plan has become a best-selling program on the Internet. It is based on the principle that we should confuse our body into increasing its metabolism. The key to losing a lot of weight is to get your metabolism burning at a fast rate. A quick metabolism is valuable because it will cause most of the calories you eat to be burned at a faster rate.
Calorie Shifting is an acceptable alternative compared to diet pills & supplement. It is a better way to lose fat that is safe to your health and enjoyable, but still gives you long-term weight loss benefits. You can actually eat in a way that is pleasurable and still lose weight.
You have to eat a variety of different foods at various times throughout the day. The body needs specific types of calories and different times. This is called calorie shifting. The idea is that by eating certain types of calories in certain patterns, you "confuse" your metabolism and it never has a chance to adjust. three major benefits of Calorie Shifting are:
1. You do not need to consume diets pills or diet supplements that are most likely a risk to your overall health.
2. You do not need to starve. Failure to endure starvation is probably why most weight loss program participant ceased to accomplish any positive results. With Calorie Shifting you can still eat any foods that you most enjoyed.
3. Do not make a large hole on your pocket. The cost of the program is affordable to all and paid only once to enjoy the invaluable knowledge & benefit forever. Compared to diets pills and diet supplements where you need to buy it on a regular basis until you achieved your ideal weight, the amount of lose weight will reversed back when you stop consuming it.
Is rollerblading a good exercise for quick weight-loss results?
Id like to lose weight in time for a party in 3 weeks. I need some advice on working out. I will be rollerblading as long as the weather is good. If not i will jog and powerwalk. What are the best times to workout and am i supposed to just wake up and go for a workout even if i havent had anything to eat.
The is no real miracle cure for quit weight loss. But anything cardiovascular, like running, elliptical machine, rollerblading, jogging at a moderate pace is the key to the quickest, safest weight loss. You must do it continuously for at least 25 minutes to see good results. Three weeks will probably give you very small results. Your lower abs, hips, thighs will become more toned and gain muscle mass from rollerblading. It is possible to gain weight weight from muscle mass while still burning fat. This is healthy and normal. Muscle is heavier than fat. It will still be good for your body, you will still look better, and you will see better results if you keep it up beyond the three weeks.
Waking up and working out on an empty stomach is ok, as long as you're hydrating and ate healthy the day before. I recommend something like a banana, a few grapes, or even a small fruit salad maybe a couple hours before the workout. This will give some nutrition to your body immediately after the workout, giving your heart and blood some of the vital sugars and minerals it needs. Don't workout within 2 hours after eating a large meal.
There's no real advatage or disadvantage to what time of day you choose. Morning workouts will burn calories all day, and evening workouts will burn calories while you sleep, and you will probably sleep like a baby.
How do I get rid of belly flab after quick weight loss?
I'm 24, 5ft6, 8 and a half stone (was ten and a bit) lost weight too quickly(...slapped hand - I know!) and now am left with a baggy belly! At 24! is this normal?
How do i lose it?
Thanks guys xx
For the first two replies...I don't take kindly to manipulated sales pitches guys! Please can someone without an agenda help?
Targetted weight reduction is quite difficult, some would say impossible, nevertheless I melted away 3 inches from my waistline by following the tips on the site in the box below. Give it a try, their information is very sensible!
Does anyone know a quick weight loss diet?
I have to go to this wedding in a couple of months, and want to lose some weight. Is there a diet out there that drops pounds FAST? I have heard of the Size Zero Pill, but don't know how to get it. Any ideas for weight loss? Thank you.
You can Lose 9 lbs every 11 days after you know these facts:
Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.........
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.
Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK........
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.
Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.......
You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.
In fact,the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!
GO to the source below,,
It will tell you the whole secret of weight loss and tell you how to lose weight by eating Chicken,Fish Filet,Cottage Cheese,sandwich and so on.You can find weight loss is so easy and so happy!!!!!
Is this an acceptable diet for quick weight loss?
I want to lose about 20 pounds before spring break.
I have no problem exercising (i just have to stick with it), my issue is food.
So my plan a temporary diet plan is:
2 slim fast shakes (breakfast and lunch), and a southbeach diet tv dinner thing (dinner)
of course after I lose weight, i will just maintain it but come off of this temporary diet.
I need quick weight loss tips?
What are some tips for healthy living and quick weight loss?
Hi Stephanie!
You know quick weight loss tips are not always the answer for healthy living. Weight loss involves a lot of hard work and determination. Here is an article I found that should help you on your way to finding quick weight loss tips.
I am going on vacation in a week and a half and need a quick weight loss solution?
I have been doing weight watchers and lost some weight but have not met my goal. I'd still like to lose 10 to 15 more pounds. I understand that's not realistic to do in a week and a half but are there any diets that help you to lose a lot in a little amount of time to get me bikini ready for my vacation?
quick weight loss diet - My friend wants to know one?
My friend is looking for a quick weight loss diet as he wants to lose some weight before his brothers wedding in 3 months.
Could anyone tell me any quick weight loss methods?
Something that is preferrably cheap and is healthy to do. Looking to lose a large amount of weight in short amount of time.
Vegetables, Fruits, Water - all you can eat - and lots of work-outs - and you will loose weight fast. It's not the best way but if you only want to loose about 10 pounds or so - it should work (at least it worked for me)
Diet methods for quick weight loss?
Hey everyone. I am looking for some quick weight loss methods to drop about 15 pounds in 5 weeks. I have done the healthy lifestyle and am working out, but need more. Does anyone have any extra ideas (lots of protein, no fat, lots of water, lots of celery) any thing like that to help get the rest of the weight off. Please no answers about cutting intake, etc., I already do it. Thank you.
Ok, for you to read an extra fast weight loss guide, you are probably looking to dropping a few pounds in a few days. You are probably already on a diet and still looking for other ways to kill the extra calories in whatever time you have. So here are some food and exercise tips to supplement your ongoing diet.
As seen from many diets, drinking lots of water is crucial to extra fast weight loss. For example, you can consume cold water to cut the calories. This is because your body tries to keep itself at a constantly warm temperature so will expend calories to warm your body up. (However, if you are a believer in traditional Chinese medicine and since the latter does not advocate drinking iced drinks, you may want to tick this suggestion off your list) Secondly, when you get hungry, try having a glass of water before reaching for a bite since our body sometimes mistake thirst for hunger. Wait 5 minutes before deciding you really need that snack. Most of the time, you do not!
Now to your food, if like me, you must have a sugar fix almost every few hours in a day, extra fast weight loss for you is simply by not indulging in this harmful habit! It is easy to say but how exactly to go about doing it? Studies have shown that people crave sweets and starches to increase the ?feel-good? hormone serotonin. So find out why you crave such foods instead of just blindly giving into your cravings. Another way is to purge your home of junk, having to travel to get a snack is sure to put your dent in your appetite.
Full article is here :
How does the quick weight loss center program work?
I was wondering if anyone knows how the QWLC in Georgia works like why it is so successful, what you eat, etc.
This is a low carb, moderate calorie diet. I just signed up a couple of weeks ago but haven't met with much success. I do feel much more energetic and am virtually never hungry, though, which I appreciate. Most of your carbs will come from fruit and there is a very, very small amount of starch. You eat a pretty good amount of meat and vegetables. Fat is very limited (ex. no oil, not even lite salad dressings.) If you don't really like eating meat and vegetables, this diet may be difficult for you because there is a LOT of it, in my view.
I know several people who have lost a lot of weight quickly and have been very pleased. I, however, have been on it just a couple of weeks and lost only 2 pounds. This is supposed to be a good, healthy rate of weight loss, but I expected to be more in line with the norm. I have followed their program to the letter, not deviating even once. If I had, I would expect these results. You can tell that I am impatient
. I even added exercise for the past week. The frustrating part is that they won't alter any part of the diet until I have been on the program for 2 weeks, which will be tomorrow. There are no refunds if it doesn't work for you, and I'm hoping this can turn around soon because I'm feeling buyer's remorse.
I suggest that you give it a try if the small chance of losing your money doesn't devistate you financially. You'll probably feel good and, more likely than me, you'll lose weight successfully.
What is the EASIEST way to loose weight for a female. I need quick weight loss.?
I have to loose 15 pounds fast and I know the correct way. Diet and exercise , but there has to be a quick way. I am not worried about the healthy way right now. I need a quick fix to my problem. I have plans in one month and I have to drop 15 pounds
Drop your caloric intake to 1,000 calories a day - double your usual workout - don't eat any sweets or sugars - eat tons of fruits and vegetables (look up "negative calorie" foods) - and don't eat out.
That should work but you might not have much energy unless you take some supplements.
And don't forget your VITAMINS!!
Is the Quick Weight Loss program for real?
The question is pretty simple. I would love to lose weight fast and easily (as would everyone), but I hate to spend my money on something that is a lie. I heard about this program on the radio and then checked it out online, but you never can be sure. Does anyone know about this? Does it really work?
I don't mind working out and eating healthy--I'm already doing it--but I would love to speed up the process since I have a lot of weight to get off. Thanks so much y'all.
Does anyone have a highly effective solution for quick weight loss?
I graduate high school in june 2007. I would like to lose weight (maybe 20 pounds) before my graduation. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to melt away the pounds?
Eat small sensible meals & exercise are the 2 most popular answers in our society. Take this from someone who has had & still does have eating disorders : ask your doctor !!!!!!!! I did so much damage to my body (heart & lungs included) and if you trust your doctor, then do it safely. Maybe ask them to refer you to a nutritionalist who will give you a healthy diet w/foods that you actually like. Good luck, chickie !!!!
What should I do for quick weight loss?
I have a friends wedding in two weeks and need to lose some belly fat quickly. I'm not bothered about keeping it off or long term weight loss so don't warn me off fad diets or quick weight loss I just want to lose some weight for the photos and then I'll go back to normal!
What type of cardio is most effective for quick weight loss?
I'm so clueless at the gym when it comes to the equipment. Should I be using the stair climber, bike, elliptical or just walk/run. I need to lose about 40 pounds and tone after having 2 children. I don't feel comfortable with a trainer and would rather do it on my own. I've already started the diet part of it and lost 15, now I just need advice on working out. Thanks!
My trainer got me on the elliptical for an hour every other day and did strength training on the ones in between. It worked really well for me. What you eat plays a big part in the process. but if you got that part down your good to go. cardio is good but you gotta build muscle, it helps to burn fat faster.
What is the best, quick weight loss pill?
I don't want to hear answers about exercise and eating right because i really do all the time, i am a dancer so that's exercise enough there and i eat fruits and veggies as much as i possibly can. I just want to know which weight loss pills others have tried and how much weight they lost in how long?
Which would be the better exercise for quick weight loss?
Okay, so i've already lost 25 pounds since april 1 when i started my diet. lately i have been slacking and havent been eating the way i should be. i want to start eating good again and my goal is to loose the most 10 pounds by the end of august before school starts back up. now i was wondering, which one would be a better way to exercise? would going for a bike ride burn more calories than going walking/jogging? or should i try other exercises and mix them up by alternating days?
Now whenever it comes to weight loss you should follow these simple steps that have helped me tremendously lose weight, pretty quickly if you ask me. And I've been trying to lose weight forever and finally found the correct system to help me out...
The first thing you need to do is about 30 minutes of cardio everyday, try to get at least 3-4 days of that people...Exercising is one very important issue you don't want to be lazy in.
The second thing you should realize is that you cannot eat everything in sight that probably got you looking the way you are right now or the reason you want to lose weight. The pounds come with the food you eat. How do you stop yourself from eating and get a little boost with ousting fat from the food you eat? Simple...
The third and final step is the correct natural weight loss supplement. For me, I found Proactol to be the best. Now this isn't aimed towards lazy people that want to take a pill and sit on the couch all night and day. These are to tremendously help out with dieting and exercising. For me they were great because with my diet, they basically take out up to 28% of the fat you intake. Not to mention the killer appetite suppressant Proactol is. Every day you will fall under your calorie intake and find yourself one more day closer to your goal.
These steps really worked for me, you should try them out for yourself even if you want to lose very little or that extra mile. Also at the time of my 3 month supply purchase of Proactol, I saved a lot of money on it at theweightlossplace .com
Good luck and I hope this helps you out for your weight loss goals.
Any quick weight loss tips? How to get great body like model in TV?
I saw a lot of commercials in tv. But i wonder which one is working the best? I want to have body like the model in TV.
Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.
How can I make myself sick to a REALLY good and quick weight loss diet?
I dont know a good diet,
and I've tried, but I cant commit myself to it.
I need help, but yeah. I dont know what to do.
I want to loose wight badly, and fast.
Im not able to buy anything like that berry stuff.
There are a few things you can do to lose weight fast.
1.) Diet. Not THAT kind of diet, but one you can actually live with. If you want chocolate, eat it, but not much. If you are hungry but feel like you can't handle the calories, eat something filling but very low in calories. Spinach is a great food for this.
2.) Exercise will help tremendously. Do what you can, but I recommend at least 30 minutes a day. It doesn't have to be all together, either.
3.) Supplements can take a huge load off your shoulders. The right pill can boost your metabolism and cut appetite, making it much easier to stick to that diet. A few bucks now could make the whole difference.
Good luck!
what do you think is the best quick weight loss pill to take?
ok my mom is pretty big and she wants to lose weight she has 2 months and she wants to lose as much as she can before she goes to puerto rico. what do you think is the fastest best weightloss pill out there. that doesnt cause more then 50 bucks that would be nice if its around 20-45 bucks but shes not picky thank you so much guys.
What is the best keep-it-off, but fairly quick weight loss secret?
Had a baby last October 2006 and everything I've tried including diet & excercise has the same results on the scale! How do I raise my metabolism again?
Can anyone suggest some tips for REAL QUICK weight loss?
I would like to lose this extra 10 lbs as fast as possible. Thanks!
You are not going to like what I am about to say but unfortunately it's the truth.
Dramatic weight loss is shockingly bad for you. This wrecks your metabolism and irreversibly damages your immune system. When faced with an intensive calorie restriction, your brain immediately thinks you are starving and sends your body directly into famine mode.
Your metabolism slows and your body does its utmost to preserve precious fat stores. It starts to use up fat burning muscle tissue for fuel instead of life-saving fat which slows your metabolism even further.
Say you go on a 'diet.' You severely limit your food intake. After one month you have lost 20 pounds. You'd be ecstatic, right?
The problem is that only around 12 pounds of that will be fat, 6 pounds will be muscle and the rest water. Happy with your loss you go back to eating exactly how you did before. You gain all the weight back (maybe even more) and quickly.
I'm not trying to scare you or put you off, I'm just telling the truth. If you try the quick and easy weight loss systems I guarantee you will end up regretting it.
This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.
Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals
Where can I find some really good information about the Homeopathic Hcg Quick weight loss system?
I want to lose some weight with Hcg
What do you think of this diet given by dietician for quick weight loss for an event?
breakfast apple
snack apple
lunch: any salad, i today had with chicken, sweet corn and some yogurt in it.
snack apple
dinner apple
if u do it for two weeks you lose 15 pounds! do you believe in it? she told me she will give me another diet after the two weeks just to maintain in.
is it going to work?
Does AdvoCare really work for quick weight loss?
I'm going to an advocare meeting tonight because a friend of mine is going to start selling it. Does this stuff really work and is it safe? I know that diet and exercise will do it but I work two jobs and don't have time for the gym. Anyone have any success stories using this product? And I don't want sales people answers!
Unlikely, especially as they appear to be associated with that ubiquitous Brazilian berry.
Direct selling is a drag, pressure from above to sell.
Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is tough, pressure to sell is all.
Make sure your friend knows what s/he knows what the terms are re payment.
Do liquid diets usually promote quick weight loss?
I am considering doing an all liquid diet. Does anyone have any ideas or tips.
I have been through it all and know what's it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can't be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I've worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.
Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.
First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can't eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...
This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it's good for the heart.
However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It's so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I've found a great addition to help any one out, it's a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don't get all crazy on me and say diet pills don't work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn't meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It's an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it's the best pill I've tried and I've tried cupboards full. Now this doesn't mean you have to follow my foot steps but I've successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.
Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.
What's the best diet for quick weight loss?
I have a family reunion in 3 weeks and I want to lose weight before I go.
6 mini-meals:
1. Cheerios, 1% milk, fruit
2. Carrot & celery sticks, a couple of crackers, juice
3. Tuna on lettuce & tomatoes, with only lemon, iced green tea
4. Non-fat yogurt, juice
5. Broiled chicken breast, 2 veggies, tea or juice
6. Whole-grain toast, 1% milk (or Chamomile tea)
Be sure to walk outdoors for minimum 15 minutes every morning and evening--lunchtime if you can, too.
Risks of using Nuphedragen for quick weight loss?
I have found a pill that looks like what I am looking for.
Its called Nuphedragen.
My question is does anyone know the risks of using this pill.
Also I take pills for my thyroid so will the pills affect that?
Please no answers telling me what I should do just the risks and if my thyroid will be affected.
LOL, they don't work!
Save your money. I am serious, there are no legitimate studies done on this stuff and 99% of the other "snake oil" products out there!
>"Also I take pills for my thyroid so will the pills affect that?"
Why don't you ask your doctor or pharmacist?
Also, just because stuff can be ordered without a prescription, does not mean they're safe!
I need to know the best method for quick weight loss?
I know that eating less and exercising more will be the majority of the answers but you must know that I have tried that.
try this pill called cytolean. it really does work. im taking it, but im afraid to weigh myself (its my "fat week" if u know what i mean). but i know people who have taken it, and lost a ton of weight. the people i got it from (the owner of the tanning salon i go to) had to hold a bottle for me because they sold it so fast because of how well it works. give it a try- theres no crazy side effects, but it does contain caffeine, but not so much that u get jittery.
I need to find a quick Weight Loss programs !?
Hi, I try to find good , effective and quick weight loss program .
I need to loose 20 pounds . Can you help me ?
go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7
p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on your
initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't
eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you
don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is
still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or
to buy special meals or plans.
what can i do for a quick weight loss workout?
im pretty active and an athlete. i just need an extra workout to do.
right now i stretch and then do high knees 30 sec. but kicks 30. and jumping jacks for 30. with no break in between. but i dont know what to do from there?
I have a thyroid problem. Can I take diet pills or the other stuff for quick weight loss?
Aztec- I do diet and excercise. It's not enough. As you have this dieseas longer you will start to see. I have had this for 8 years.
I have been through it all and know what's it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can't be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I've worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.
Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.
First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can't eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...
This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it's good for the heart.
However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It's so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I've found a great addition to help any one out, it's a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don't get all crazy on me and say diet pills don't work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn't meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It's an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it's the best pill I've tried and I've tried cupboards full. Now this doesn't mean you have to follow my foot steps but I've successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.
Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.
Anybody have any tips for quick weight loss?
I have already lost 25lbs in the last 45 days. I have totally cut out the junk food, fast food and pop. I have been drinking tons of water and watching my calorie intake. Along with daily exercise. I would like to lose another 5lbs in the next month because my husband is coming home for R&R. I was at 190 and now I am at 165. If anybody has any advice please help.
I don't know if you already do this but the best time to exercise is the morning before you eat anything. That way you burn stored fat rather than energy you already consumed for the day. Don't stress about that extra 5lbs. Do spray tan get a manicure/pedicure, buy a new outfit, get your hair done....He will think your more sexy the more confident you are:)
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